- raulruizsola@ub.edu
- Department of Sociology
- Adjunct lecturer

Raúl Ruiz Sola is an Adjunt Lecturer at the Department of Sociology of the University of Barcelona specialized in the area of social problems and community development. His research focuses on social ties and social innovation, giving special attention to group dynamic, community arts and non formal education. His experiencie includes working with people in social risk (migrants, mental health and imprisoned youngsters, between others) through community arts as well as teaching in formal (university) and non formal (Erasmus + training courses) educational fields. He holds a degree in Economic Sciences, a Master in History of Economy and a PhD in Sociology and he is trained in Gestalt Therapy anf Narrative Techniques. Currently, he coordinates the Cultural Association Proyecto Nagual. His teaching activities include social problems, social control, social theory and research techniques, in degrees such us Sociology, Economy, Chriminology and Social Education
Cano-Hila, A., Ruiz-Sola, R., y García, L. (2020). Social exclusion and the neighbourhood: the impact of the 2008 financial crisis and austerity policies in Spanish cities in the context of Southern Europe. In Social Innovation and Urban Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ruiz-Sola, R. (2019). Comunidades de extraños por una sociedad de iguales. Innovación social frente a la agudización de las dinámicas de exclusión social en madrid y barcelona, durante la crisis de 2008.
Cano, A., Ruiz-Sola, R. & García, L. (2018). Exclusión social y barrio: el impacto de la crisis y la austeridad en las ciudades españolas. En El momento de la ciudadanía: innovación social y gobernanza urbana (pp. 51-73). Los Libros de la Catarata.
Researchers projects:
- EE-T Economics e-translations into and from European Languages.