- mpareja@ub.edu
- Department of Economics
- Associate professor
- Diagonal, 696, planta 4, Office 430
- +34 93 402 18 66

Co-director Barcelona Chair of Housing Studies (UPC-UB-UPF-UAB)
Vice- Chair of the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR)
Barcelona Chapter Coordinator Research Group Collaborative Spaces (RGCS)
Director of the Cultural Management Master, University of Barcelona.
Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway, Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, is Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at the University of Barcelona.
Since 1992, professor Pareja-Eastaway devotes her research to the analysis of urban problems and in particular, its impact on social, cultural and economic aspects. Multidisciplinary and comparative analyses are constant in her career together with her participation in professional projects in collaboration with public and / or private bodies, beyond academic research.
She coordinated the research project CREAURBS ‘Creativity and Knowledge: new basis for urban competitiveness’ (2010-2012) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness and she was the main responsible of the project INNOVA ‘Innovation, creativity and culture: defining the foundations for a post-crisis Spain’ (2013-2015) also funded by the Spanish Ministry which involved the University of Valencia and the University of Lleida. She currently leads the competitive coordinated project CREASPACE (2016-2020) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, ‘The three T’s of spaces of collaboration: Trajectory, Temporality, Territoriality’ together with the University of the Basque Country. She also participates in the European funded project Be SpectACTive! in the Spanish team coordinated by Dr. Lluís Bonet.
Among others, she has participated in three projects funded by different Framework Programs of the European Union as principal investigator of the Spanish team and will be leading a fourth one from February 2019 on:
- SOCOHO ‘The Importance of housing systems in safeguarding social cohesion’(2000-2003). 5th FP.
- RESTATE ‘Restructuring Large-scale Housing Estates in European Cities: Good Practices and New Visions for Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Cities’ (2003-2006) .5th FP.
- ACRE ‘Accommodating Creative Knowledge – Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions Within the Enlarged Union’ (2007-2010). 6th FP.
- CICERONE ‘Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network’ (2019-2022) H2020
- SPOT ‘Social and innovative Platform On cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanisation’ (2020-2022) H2020
She has directed three cooperation projects participated by the University of Barcelona and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Chile funded by AECI (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation).
- ‘Building networks: research and analysis on housing’. LANHUR Project. Latin American Network for Housing and Urban Research (2008)
- ‘Renewal of neighbourhoods in Chile and Spain: analysis of the processes of intervention and evaluation’ I and II (2008 and 2009)
Since 2018, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the ‘Journal of Housing and the Built Environment’. Springer. ISSN: 1566-4910 (Print) 1573-7772 (Online).
Teaching: She has lectured in many Universities such as University of Biccoca (Milano, Italy), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (Spain), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona), HEC (Montréal, Canada), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), City University of Hong Kong, Universdad de la República de Uruguay, Universidad de Chile, University of Birmingham (UK), HEI, une école d’Yncréa Hauts-de-France in Lille, and Burgundy School of Business (BSB) in Dijon, among others. She is the responsible of the lectures on ‘Creative Cities: Intervention Models and Entrepreneurial Dynamics’ taught in the Master of Cultural Management and the Master of creation of innovative companies with a technological basis at the University of Barcelona. She is currently participating as a lecturer in the Erasmus + Program ‘Global Markets and Local creativities’ (GLOCAL) coordinated by the University of Glasgow and participated by the University of Barcelona, University of Gottingen and University of Rotterdam.
Dr.Pareja-Eastaway organized two summer courses (Juliols UB) at the University of Barcelona: ‘Creativity and urban policy strategies’ (2011) and ‘Smart cities’: spaces, business, citizenship and territory (2015). She has organised several international conferences and seminars, for instance: ‘Framing a competitive future. The creative and knowledge economy in European cities’ (Barcelona, 27th -29th May, 2010); ‘Creatividad y Conocimiento en España: una vision comparada’ (Barcelona, 13th-14th December, 2012) ‘Innovation, creativity and culture: outline of a new socio-economic post-crisis model for cities and regions’ (Barcelona, 10th -11th December, 2015); RGCS Research seminar ‘Coworkers, Makers, Hackers and Fabbers: main trends in Barcelona’(Barcelona, 22nd -23rd September, 2016) and RGCS 3rd Symposium ‘ Creativity and (co) creation in changing cities: collectively organizing for new modes of production and innovation’ (Barcelona, 14th-15th January 2019).
Since 2013, she is the co-leader together with Prof. Jaume Valls of the Barcelona week of the International Summer School ‘Management of creativity in an innovation society. Barcelona-Montreal’ organized by HEC- Montreal and the University of Barcelona, currently in its 12th edition (June-July 2020). She is also the leader together with professor Giampaolo Nuvolati of the International Summer School ‘Attractive Cities: Successes and Conflicts’ organised by the University of Biccoca- Milano and the University of Barcelona, currently at its sixth edition (July 20120).
She has participated in consulting and advisory activities for the BID (Inter-American Development Bank). She has worked as an evaluator for prestigious international journals such as Urban Studies, Housing Studies, International Journal of Housing Policy, Cities or European Urban and Regional Studies, among others. She has been an evaluator of research projects and Masters for the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Slovenian Research Agency, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, the Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes of the Ministry of Italian Universities, the European Science Foundation and the University of the Republic of Uruguay (UdelaR), among others.
She has worked for the Municipality of Barcelona coordinating three research projects: ‘Barcelona: Creativitat, coneixement i competitivitat en el context europeu’ (Barcelona: creativity, knowledge and competitiveness in the European context) in 2010, ‘Districtes de la innovació. Creant les condicions i els processos per a la transformació social, econòmica i urbana d’un territori’ (Innovation districts: creating the conditions and the process for the social, economic and urban transformation of an area) in 2014 and ‘22@Barcelona: 15 anys’ (22@Barcelona: 15 years) in 2015. She is currently the leader coordinator of the Economics Commission depending on the BIT Foundation (Barcelona Institute of Technology, Municipality of Barcelona) aiming at the design of a Strategic Plan for the 22@Barcelona district of Innovation.